Virtuelle Anteile: Axel Springer launcht neues Programm

Das Virtual Employee Participation Programm ermöglicht den Mitarbeitern eine Beteiligung an der gemeinsam erarbeiteten Unternehmensentwicklung
Foto: © WrightStudio -

The Virtual Employee Participation Program (VEP) of Axel Springer SE enables employees to participate in the jointly developed corporate development via an innovative virtual solution and without risk of loss.

The Virtual Employee Participation Program (VEP) is the new employee participation program of the Axel Springer Group. It will initially be
offered in Germany and Great Britain. From December 2021, participants will invest part of their gross monthly base salary in virtual shares of Axel Springer SE for 36 months. Upon payout, they have the opportunity to benefit financially from a positive performance of their virtual shares and from possible virtual dividends. In 35 years as a listed company, the Group has been able to significantly increase its value – and thus that of its shares. In spring 2020, Axel Springer SE left the stock exchange in order to gain new business freedom and better manage long-term goals. Axel Springer SE continues to be a stock corporation, but there are currently no free float shares.

Photo: © Axel Springer

Solution after delisting: virtual shares

“In order to enable employees of the Axel Springer Group to participate in the company again, we have developed an innovative, virtual solution: As part of the new Virtual Employee Participation Program, eligible employees can invest in virtual shares of Axel Springer SE,” says Ruth Löhmann, Head of Global Rewards Management. “Those who participate in the program thus have the opportunity to benefit from our jointly achieved positive corporate development despite delistings.” The VEP is offered once.
An individually determined amount is invested, which participants can flexibly choose between 100 and a maximum of EUR 2,000 gross per month (but no more than 20% of the monthly basic salary). From December 2021, this financing amount will be invested in virtual shares of Axel Springer SE over a period of 36 months during the so-called financing period. Participants invest a gross amount through a salary waiver to be agreed. “As a result, more virtual shares can be allocated compared to a net investment,” explains Löhmann. Only upon payment from the REE are all payments subject to income tax and social security contributions.

Depending on the amount to be paid over the entire funding period, participants will be allocated a certain number of virtual shares at the start of the program. Thus, they can benefit from possible virtual dividends right from the start, regardless of the amounts by which the gross monthly basic salary has already been actually reduced or how many virtual shares have been “financed”.

Special feature: Participation without price and loss risk

Participation is without loss or exchange rate risk: In any case, i.e. even in the event of premature departure from the company, at least the sum of all financing amounts paid less applicable wage tax and social security contributions will be repaid. If a so-called valuation event occurs, participants are entitled to payment of the fair value of their shares plus any virtual dividends less applicable income tax and social security contributions. At the optional due date, 31 December 2025, participants also have the option of requesting early payment from the REP on a one-off basis. At the latest after the final maturity date of the program, December 31, 2030, participants will receive their payment.

Profile Employee Participation Program

Axel Springer SE
Year of introduction: 2021
Program type: virtual participation program
Discount/Discount/Match/Grant: Financing of virtual company shares
and profit with increase in value per share at
the time of the end of
the program as well as possible virtual dividends
Program features:
  • 36 months financing phase (of gross monthly basic salary)
  • Assessment events may terminate the program prematurely
  • First early termination of the programme
  • (voluntary) anno 2025
  • End of program 2030
  • Possible virtual dividends over the term from the start of the programme for all shares to be financed during the financing phase
Use of tax allowances: No
Haltefrist: bis 2025 beziehungsweise 2030
Angebotsfrequenz: einmalig (Stand: November 2021)
Zahl Teilnahmeberechtigte: circa 8.000
Teilnahmequote: Keine Angabe
  • Deutschland
  • Großbritannien
  • Finanzierungsphase von 36 Monaten
  • lange Bindung (ohne Bewertungsevent bis mindestens 2025)
  • Einbehalt von Bruttomonatsgrundvergütung(mehr Anteile gegenüber Nettoinvestition)
  • kein Verlust- oder Kursrisiko
  • Eigenadministration
  • Global Shares

Breite kommunikative Begleitung

Um den Mitarbeitern eine gut informierte Entscheidung zu ermöglichen, hat Axel Springer umfangreiche Aufklärungsarbeit geleistet. „Uns war es besonders wichtig, den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern das Programm trotz seiner Komplexität möglichst leicht verständlich zu machen“, erläutert Löhmann. Teilnahmeberechtigte wurden umfassend per E-Mail und über mehrere Artikel im Blogformat auf der Corporate Website über das VEP informiert. Zusätzlich fanden zahlreiche virtuelle und Liveveranstaltungen statt, um sicherzustellen, dass das VEP der gesamten Zielgruppe als besonderes Angebot ihres Arbeitgebers bekannt ist.

Als Expertin für die Kommunikation von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogrammen hat Axel Springer die Unequity GmbH hinzugezogen. Das Team rund um Simone Schmitt-Schillig entwickelte eine umfassende strategische und kreative Kommunikationskampagne. Aus zeitlichen Gründen – aber auch, um den Anspruch des Konzerns als Digital Leader zu unterstreichen – erfolgte die gesamte Kommunikation ausschließlich in digitaler Form. Knapp 8.000 Mitarbeiter waren im ersten Roll-out eingeladen, am VEP teilzunehmen. Die Erwartungen an die Teilnehmerzahlen wurden übertroffen; letzten Endes wurden sogar jene des vorherigen Programms überboten. Das Interesse, ablesbar auch an den Klickraten, war groß und die Resonanz fiel durchweg positiv aus.


Gründungsjahr: 1946
Branche: Medien
Unternehmenssitz: Berlin
Umsatz 2020: ca. 2,9 Mrd. EUR
Mitarbeiterzahl: ca. 16.000

Der Beitrag ist Teil des Spezials “Mitarbeiterbeteiligung 2021”.

Stefan Preuss

Stefan Preuss ist Mitglied der GoingPublic Redaktion.

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